• Consulting focused on solving everyday problems related to the correct fulfillment of main tax obligations (calculation and collection of taxes) and ancillary ones (bookkeeping, filling out declarations, etc.).
  • Tax advice on business restructuring operations, including M&A.
  • Analysis and creation of structures for succession planning and family holding.
  • Preparation, protocol and monitoring of non-contentious administrative processes, such as requests for special arrangements and formal consultations with the Tax Authorities.
  • Assistance in monitoring and complying with inspection procedures, at the Federal, State and Municipal levels.
  • Defense and monitoring of administrative processes for launching tax credits, such as Notices of Violation and Release Notifications.
  • Filing and monitoring of legal measures aimed at avoiding the collection of undue taxes and/or removing undue penalties.


  • Extensive knowledge and experience of tax legislation, which makes it possible not only to verify any problems in the company's operation, but also to suggest practical and creative solutions, with simple and visual language.
  • Creativity and experience to suggest improvements in operations, as well as develop, present and follow up requests for special tax regime.
  • In-depth knowledge in specific areas of the market, such as agribusiness (special taxation for rural producers), beauty and personal hygiene (IPI treatment) and civil construction (RET).
  • Sincerity in dealing with the client, in order to always inform and measure the possible risk in the suggested strategies. We do not shy away from giving a concrete opinion to the customer about the safety (or not) of the operation.
  • We go to the end with the client: whether in the elaboration of a legal opinion, in the defense of interests in an administrative or legal proceeding, we follow the topic until the end, always supporting the client at all stages.

Roberto Cunha